About Electro Breeze Supply

Electro Breeze Supply
321 Spruce Street
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United States
800-916-7873 Fax:
John E. Hendrickson
Electro Breeze Supply (USA) is a worldwide supplier of the entire line of products from Electro Breeze Air Cleaner, Ltd located in Quebec. Including residential, commercial and industrial applications. Many of our installations include casinos, hospitals, schools, high rise office buildings and residential applications.
The electrostatic air cleaner technology is a tried and true method of cleaning your indoor air pollution with an efficiency of 97% down to 0.3 microns. Add the ultraviolet germicidal lamp and you have effectively removed all live viruses and bacteria from the air you breathe.
Not only is the Electro Breeze air cleaner system the premier indoor air quality solution, but it is also priced well below the competition. The cost of replacement pads and UV lamps won't dog your checkbook either. The UV bulbs are effective up to 2 years and the replacement filter pads are priced below your average allergen pleated filter.
When the rest of the industry is trying to convince you that your indoor air quality is worth as much as you can afford, it's nice to know that Electro Breeze has an option that fits within your budget and outperforms even most of the "HEPA" filters on the market.
Call Electro Breeze Supply today to speak to an Indoor Air Quality consultant about your specific needs. We won't sell you a system unless you need one. Our company is driven by customer satisfaction, so you won't be manipulated into a sale. We will do all we can to help you find a solution to your indoor air problems. In Canada call 1-269-601-4965. In the US call 800-916-7873.
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