architecture - engineering - construction
About Dove Mfg.

Dove Mfg.
711 Old Wheatland Rd
City, state:
Vincennes, IN
Postal code:
PO Box:
United States
Service Provider
The Knox County Development Corporation (KCDC) is the first contact source for economic development in Knox County Indiana. The KCDC is always sensitive to changes in the economy. We make it our business to stay ahead of the curve to ensure our labor force is ready when change comes. Talk to us. We will work with you to provide a home for your company in Knox County, Indiana.
Our operating budget is largely privately funded. KCDC also receives funding through its contracts with the city of Vincennes and Knox County to provide economic development services. Our stated mission is: "To maintain and improve the quality of life, including environmental concerns, for the citizens of Knox County by developing the overall economy of the county."
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