About Documenta Surveys

Documenta Surveys
3030 Bridgeway, Unit 221
City, state:
Sausalito, CA
Postal code:
United States
415-717-5589 Fax:
Peter Borges
Description: Documenta Surveys provides photogrammetric and laser scanning expertise for architecture and engineering, producing high-quality "as-built" CAD drawings - elevations, sections, plans, profiles, 3D digital models, and true-to-scale and distortion-free photographs as CAD layers. Documenta's association of state-of-the-art digital photogrammetric expertise with architectural and engineering experience yields outstanding and cost effective "as-found" drawings, which can not realistically be obtained using any other methodology, even on small and relatively straightforward projects.Information about 20 recently completed projects including downloadable drawings, advantages and characteristics of the photogrammetric documentation for different projects, list of clients and projects, and general company information are available at Documenta's website.
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(00109) Photogrammetry (01710) Examination (00 31 19) Existing Condition Information |
(01 71 16) Acceptance of Conditions (02 22 00) Existing Conditions Assessment (41 32 29) Drawing Equipment |
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