architecture - engineering - construction

About Conwed Fibers


Conwed Fibers

1002 Bucks Industrial Park
City, state:
Statesville, NC
Postal code:
28625 show map
United States
(704) 871-8500
(704) 871-8740

Conwed Fibers Hydroseeding Products assure outstanding seed establishment and erosion control. Our extensive line of hydraulic mulches, accessories and soil amendments are effective in preventing soil erosion and enhancing seed germination.

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(02300) Earthwork
(02310) Grading
(02335) Subgrade and Roadbed
(02370) Erosion and Sedimentation Control
(02910) Plant Preparation
(02920) Lawns and Grasses
(01 26 43) Amendments
(31 20 00) Earth Moving
(31 22 00) Grading
(31 22 13) Rough Grading
(31 22 16) Fine Grading
(31 22 16.13) Roadway Subgrade Reshaping
(31 22 19) Finish Grading
(31 23 16) Excavation
(31 25 14.13) Hydraulically-Applied Erosion Control
(31 25 24) Structrual Measures for Erosion and Sedimentation Control
(31 25 24.13) Rock Barriers
(31 25 34) Retention Measures for Erosion and Sedimentation Controls
(31 25 34.13) Rock Basins
(31 32 19.13) Geogrid Soil Stabilization
(31 35 19) Geosynthetic Slope Protection
(31 36 00) Gabions
(31 37 00) Riprap
  (32) Exterior Improvements
(32 11 13) Subgrade Modifications
(32 11 13.13) Lime-Treated Subgrades
(32 11 13.16) Bituminous-Treated Subgrades
(32 91 13.13) Hydro-Punching
(32 91 13.16) Mulching
(32 91 16) Planting Soil Stabilization
(32 91 16.13) Blanket Planting Soil Stabilization
(32 91 16.16) Mat Planting Soil Stabilization
(32 91 16.19) Netting Planting Soil Stabilization
(32 91 19) Landscape Grading
(32 91 19.13) Topsoil Placement and Grading
(32 92 00) Turf and Grasses
(32 92 13) Hydro-Mulching
(32 92 16) Plugging
(32 92 19) Seeding
(32 92 19.13) Mechanical Seeding
(32 92 19.16) Hydraulic Seeding
(32 92 23) Sodding
(32 92 26) Sprigging
(32 92 26.13) Stolonizing
(35 42 00) Waterway Bank Protection

For other relevant searches, you might want to try: hydroseeding, hydromulch, hydraulic mulch, erosion control products, revegetation blankets, erosion control blankets, tackifiers, slope stabilization, seed establishment.