About Constructive Trade, LLC

Constructive Trade, LLC
1471 Cat Island Parkway
City, state:
Awendaw, SC
Postal code:
United States
843.303.9298 URL:
Terri Murray
Constructive Trade, LLC is an innovative consulting and import/export management company specializing in green building products and solutions. Green building is the effort to integrate more efficient uses of energy in modern construction and to minimize adverse effects on the natural environment, economy, health and productivity. Constructive Trade facilitates trade between manufacturers of green building products and building and design professionals seeking to purchase products for large scale green or LEED certified projects. Constructive Trade seeks to establish long-term relationships with architects, engineers, developers, contractors, project managers, designers, and government officials to understand project needs in anticipation of the procurement stage. Our company provides ongoing consultative information on project appropriate leading green building products and solutions. By providing diverse product information with value-added creative and cost-effective solutions for integration, handling and tracking orders, trouble-shooting, and overseeing logistics, building and design professionals can focus on their core business while keeping pace with the market.
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