About Clark Door Co.

Clark Door Co.
2564 Metro Blvd.
City, state:
Maryland Heights, MO
Postal code:
United States
(800) 278-0090
(314) 432-3112 Fax:
(314) 432-2296
Rex Palmatier
For more than 100 years, Clark Doors has been solving the special requirements of its customers with innovative and efficient solutions for cold storage, industrial and specialty applications. Our company is proud that today, Clark Doors are in daily use in more than 80 countries worldwide-some offering trouble free service for more than 50 years. Clark Door's engineering group is justifiably confident of their ability to develop cost-efficient answers to specific client needs. Versatility, reliability and value is the hallmark of Clark Door. We have successfully constructed a range of doorway solutions that effectively meet the high standards for efficient material handling set by exacting users such as food processing, pharmaceutical, sound proofing, temperature and humidity controlled warehousing. Fast acting, energy efficient Clark doors help clients save money on energy costs and door maintenance by getting doors opened quickly and closed securely against long-lasting adjustable seals. Clark cold storage, industrial and cleanroom doors are designed to withstand the rigors of heavy duty service. Cold Storage Doors are insulated and re-inforced with a core of foamed-in-place urethane offering strength and high thermal and sound insulating values. Panels are manufactured to meet USDA, MID and Department of Agriculture requirements. The world's first combination cold storage and fire door approved by Underwriters Laboratories was a Clark Door innovation.The company currently manufactures approved fire doors for other applications as well as doors for explosion-proof environments and sound doors with STC values to 45. Clark Door operators are designed to provide years of trouble free service under heavy load. Electric, hydraulic and the new belt drive are available in all voltages and are manufactured to NEMA 4 requirements. Clark's systematic approach to industrial door design guarantees that the proper door, operator and operator control for each application will reward the customer with dividends in the form of reduced initial cost and, in the future, energy and maintenance savings. Quality is standard across the product line. Whatever the requirement, every application is tested during the manufacturing process to ensure top value for the customer and to reinforce Clark Door's leadership in the industry.
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