About Canada Kiosk Corp.

Canada Kiosk Corp.
115 S Service Rd. W
City, state:
Grimsby, ON
Postal code:
PO Box:
PO Box 129
(888) 893-9990
(905) 945-6200 Fax:
(905) 945-6201
Canada Kiosk Corporation (CKC) is a leading manufacturer of kiosks, booths and shelters. We offer site access control booths, parking attendant kiosks, security booths, gas island kiosks, small convenience stores, customs inspection stations, toll collection booths, and smoking and transit shelters. CKC delivers high quality buildings quickly and economically -- anywhere in the world!
Whatever your need might be, CKC can provide you with a solution to meet your exact needs. We manufacture, deliver and install a wide range of standard or custom kiosks, booths and shelters.
We meet your needs with a wide variety of sizes and shapes, plus electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems. An assortment of glass, door, and hardware components is available. Security kiosks can be built to bullet-resistant specifications. CKC offers a complete selection of both exterior and interior finishes and colours.
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