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About Brodart Co.

Brodart Co.
500 Arch St.
City, state:
Williamsport, PA
Postal code:
United States
(800) 233-8467
(570) 326-2461 Fax:
(570) 326-1479
For over sixty years libraries have been able to turn to Brodart Co. for everything from furniture to electronic ordering systems. In many respects it is also an international company, serving libraries from the Northwest Territories to the Pacific Rim, with facilities in the United States and Canada. Its rich history has led it to become a truly full-service library supply company...
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(12560) Institutional Furniture (12562) Dormitory Furniture (12 56 43) Dormitory Furniture (12 56 51.16) Study Carrels |
For other relevant searches, you might want to try: Brodart Divisions Automation Division Book Services Division Contract Library Furniture Division Library Supplies & Furnishings U.S.A. Canada.