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About Barnstead/Thermolyne



2555 Kerper Blvd.
City, state:
Dubuque, IA
Postal code:
52004-0797 show map
PO Box:
PO Box 797
United States
(800) 446-0606
(319) 556-2241
(319) 589-0516

Barnstead, the Water Experts. Manufacturers of the most complete line of water purification products including deionization, distillation, filtration and reverse osmosis.

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(11200) Water Supply and Treatment Equipment
(11300) Fluid Waste Treatment and Disposal Equipment
(11320) Grit Collecting Equipment
(11335) Sedimentation Tank Equipment
(11350) Sludge Handling and Treatment Equipment
(11365) Trickling Filter Equipment
(11380) Sludge Digestion Equipment
(11385) Digester Mixing Equipment
(11390) Package Sewage Treatment Plant
(11600) Laboratory Equipment
(02 70 00) Water Remediation
(11 53 00) Laboratory Equipment
(43 01 30) Operation and Maintenance of Gas and Liquid Hi- Purification Equipment
(43 06 30) Schedules for Gas and Liquid Hi-Purification Equipment
(43 08 30) Commissioning of Gas and Liquid Purification Equipment
(43 22 56) Liquid Process Mixers
(43 30 00) Gas and Liquid Purification Equipment
  (43 31 00) Gas and Liquid Purification Filtration Equipment
(43 31 13) Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.13) Activated Carbon-Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.19) High-Purity Cartridge Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.23) Membrane Diaphragm Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.26) Multimedia Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.29) Pretreatment Cartridge Gas and Liquid Purification Filters
(43 31 13.33) Ultrafilter Units
(43 32 29) Electronic Deionization Purification Units
(44 40 00) Water Pollution Control Equipment
(46 41 41) Top-entering Tank Mixers
(46 41 43) Side-entry Tank Mixers
(46 41 46) Portable Tank Mixers
(46 46 00) Sediment Removal Equipment
(46 53 13) Rotating Biological Contactors
(46 61 00) Filtration Equipment
(46 76 13) Vacuum Filters

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