About Smoke Vents
CAD detailsSmoke Vents
Babcock-Davis offers a complete line of smoke vents designed to meet all fire and life safety building codes. Roof top smoke vents automatically open to release heat, smoke, and noxious fumes in the event of a fire emergency, as required by International Building Code. (IBC 910 Heat & Smoke Vents, IBC 410 Stages & Platforms, IBC 3004 Hoistway Vents). Contact our expert sales department for guidance in selecting smoke vents on your next project.
News archive:
Pneumatic Actuated Smoke Vent for High-Hazard Conditions (Mar 30, 2014)
Babcock-Davis: Want to continue your professional education? Request a Lunch & Learn! (Mar 07, 2013)
07720 - Roof Accessories
10200 - Louvers and Vent
10230 - Vent
07 72 00 - Roof Accessories
07 72 33 - Roof Hatches
07 72 36 - Smoke Vents
08 90 00 - Louvers and Vents
08 95 00 - Vents
08 95 13 - Soffit Vents
23 38 00 - Ventilation Hoods