About Ansul, Inc.

Ansul, Inc.
1 Stanton Street
City, state:
Marinette, WI
Postal code:
United States
(715)735-7411 Fax:
ANSUL® is a premium brand of Tyco Fire & Security's fire suppression business unit. The full line of ANSUL special hazard fire protection products includes fire extinguishers and hand line units; pre-engineered restaurant, vehicle, and industrial systems; sophisticated fire detection/suppression systems and a complete line of dry chemical, foam, and gaseous extinguishing agents. You'll find ANSUL brand products underground, offshore, on board, in the kitchen, around the plant, at the office, off the road, and in the air. ANSUL products are developed and tested at the ANSUL Fire Technology Center, one of the most extensive fire research and testing facilities in the world. Over 1000 ANSUL trained distributors protect people and property from fire - virtually anywhere in the world.
Tradenames: Silv-ex, Plus-Fifty, Na-X, Met-L-X, Met-L-KYL, Lith-X, INERGEN, Foray, CleanGuard, Ansulite, Ansulex.
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