About Ameristar Perimeter Security

Ameristar Perimeter Security
Ameristar was charted 30 years ago in response to the demand by consumers and specifiers for specialty fence products. In addition to fencing, Ameristar also offers a full line of perimeter security products. These include active vehicle barriers, security bollards and anti-ram fencing. Throughout their history Ameristar has continually raised the bar across the board in the manufacturing of superior quality, innovative products. With a well-deserved reputation for high quality and superior service we are a leader in the security products industry.
Continuing its strategy of delivering exceptional perimeter security products, Ameristar Fence Products recently acquired Parking Booth Company Inc. of Sun Valley, CA. Parking Booth Company Inc. has been a fixture in the prefabricated booth & building industry for over 15 years. Its contributions in guard booth and directional traffic control products are recognized necessities for entry control all over the United States. The addition of guard booth and building structures together with Ameristar’s array of perimeter security products is an integral piece in completing Ameristar’s strategy of becoming the premier source for perimeter security and entry solution products.
Our demonstrated commitment to upholding higher values translates into superior products that go far beyond merely meeting minimum industry standards.
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