About Air Diffusion Council

Air Diffusion Council
1901 N. Roselle Rd. Suite 800
City, state:
Schaumburg, Illinois
Postal code:
United States
Jack Lagershausen, Executive Director
The purpose for which the Air Diffusion Council was formed, as stated in its Certificate of Incorporation, is to promote and further the interests of the manufacturers of air distribution equipment, more specifically, flexible air ducts and related products, and the interests of the general public in the areas of safety, quality, efficiency and energy conservation, and to this end, develop programs approved and supported by the membership that legally promote and further these interests such as: * To encourage, assist and support the development and maintenance of credible and efficient industry standards for the installation, use and performance of flexible duct products; to promote the use of those standards by various code bodies, government agencies, architects, engineers, heating and cooling contractors, etc. so that the best interests of the public may be served. * To collect and disseminate lawful information of value to members of the Council, the general public and others and to act as a clearing house for all such information, as well as providing a means by which the interests of the individual members of the Council can be protected, defended, supported more vigorously and effectively in legal association with other that share those interests.
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