About Advanced Containment Systems Inc.

Advanced Containment Systems Inc.
8720 Lambright Rd.
City, state:
Houston, TX
Postal code:
United States
(800) 927-2271
(713) 987-0336 Fax:
(713) 987-0355
ACSI has been designing and manufacturing equipment serving a variety of specialized markets since 1988. Operations are housed in a 100,000 square foot facility that has been designed to satisfy the changing requirements of our customers and markets. The manufacturing facility, located on a ten acre site, accommodates both production line fabrication and assembly bays. Our offices include in-house engineering, technical support and administrative functions. Our engineering department understands the necessity of tight tolerances and designs our products to assure function, efficiency and performance under the most demanding conditions. Our staff brings many years of successful industry experience to offer a wide range of proven manufacturing techniques, as well as new and innovative ideas.
More than 15 years of innovation have made ACSI the most trusted name in the industry. Our dedication to integrity and progress has remained constant throughout those years. ACSI people are devoted to turning innovative ideas into essential products and services that make our nation and the world a safer place.
We are committed not only to meet our customers' needs but also to anticipate them and actively pursue new ways to shape technology to generate solutions that exceed our customers' expectations. ACSI manufactures a diversified range of products from transportable mass decontamination trailers to operator-portable lightweight decontamination showers and related accessories.
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