About Advanced Cast Stone, Inc.

Advanced Cast Stone, Inc.
(800) 687- 4352
(817)572-0018 Fax:
Advanced Cast Stone, Inc. (ACS) has been in business since 1992. We are members of the Cast Stone Institute and all industry associations establishing product standards. Our management has been in the cast stone industry for over 15 years. We are a fully functional cast stone manufacturing facility that can handle all stone needs, from CAD design to delivery. We are located in the Dallas/Fort Worth area where shipping is both plentiful and economical. Our products are generally custom made to a customers' specifications. We have architects and engineers to supply the most complicated projects. ACS has the capability to produce projects of substantial size. Located on approximately 8 acres of land with 70,000 square feet of manufacturing area and more than 100 knowledgeable employees, ACS produces over 825 cubic feet of cast stone per day. Large or small, you can rely on ACS to get the job done right. We have an excellent reputation for on-time delivery. ACS delivers finished product on our own trucks or through a network of experienced transporters to ensure proper handling directly to your job site. To achieve the "just right" look for your individual project, we have a dedicated team of construction and manufacturing professionals. They include; four executives with extensive knowledge of the industry, manufacturing and project supervision, architects, eight CAD draftsman, engineers and sixteen artisans, all working diligently together during the design and manufacturing process.
Product Description
Cast stone is a refined architectural concrete building unit manufactured to simulate natural cut stone, used in unit masonry applications. Cast stone is a masonry product, used as an architectural feature, trim, ornament or facing for both commercial and residential buildings. The quality of cast stone is set by standards of an oversight board called the Cast Stone Institute. Not all manufacturers qualify for membership in the Cast Stone Institute. Advanced Cast Stone is a member of the Institute and abides by its standards. Each manufacturer's product has a unique look. Advanced Cast Stone uses a method of production that produces a fine surface that resembles Midwest limestone. The company has a color palate in natural colors that is available upon request.
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