About Acoustical Society of America (ASA)

Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
500 Sunnyside Blvd.
City, state:
Woodbury, NY
Postal code:
United States
(516) 576-2360
(516) 349-7669
Elaine Moran
Since its organization in 1929, the Society has grown steadily in membership and stature. At this time nearly 7000 men and women who work in acoustics throughout the U.S. and abroad belong to this prestigious Society. A variety of fields related to sound are represented: Physics Measurement Technologies and Instrumentation Nearly All Engineering Disciplines, including Electrical Mechanical Civil Aeronautical Robotics and Computer Sciences Oceanography Underwater Propagation Biology Physiology Psychology Architecture (e.g., Concert Hall Design) Speech and Hearing Music Noise and Noise Control Animal Bioacoustics Structural Acoustics and Vibration This diversity, along with the opportunities provided for the exchange of knowledge and points of view, has become one of the Society's unique and strongest assets. From the beginning, the Acoustical Society has sought to serve the widespread interests of its members and the acoustics community in all branches of acoustics, both theoretical and applied. The Society is primarily a voluntary organization and attracts the interest, commitment, and service of a large number of professionals. Their contributions in the formation, guidance, administration, and development of the ASA are largely responsible for its world-wide preeminence in the field of acoustics.
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