About Absolute Coatings, Inc.

Absolute Coatings, Inc.
38 Portman Rd.
City, state:
New Rochelle, NY
Postal code:
United States
(800) 221-8010
(914) 636-0700 Fax:
(914) 636-0822
As a leader in the wood flooring industry, we are dedicated to providing all flooring professionals and do-it-yourselfers (the consumer), with the most complete line of high quality wood floor finishes available.
Absolute Coatings, Inc. was founded in 1923 as a manufacturer of specialty wood finishing products. In 1962 we were one of the first companies in the United States to introduce Last n Last Clear polyurethane wood finishes to consumers and contractors. In 1993 the Company rededicated its commitment to the paint and coatings industry, by moving to new corporate offices and a greatly expanded manufacturing facility in New Rochelle, New York.
Corporate Divisions:
- Trade Sales: Our Trade sales Division offers consumers labeled products for sale in paint and hardware stores, home centers and lumberyards. Specialty products include polyurethane wood finishes, interior wood stains, exterior spar varnishes, and Polycare floor maintenance products.
- Professional Flooring: Our flooring division offers the most advanced wood floor finishes for the professional.
- Private Label/Specialty Coating: This division specializes in marketing current formulations, or developing custom products for customers specific needs. We can work with you to develop products for applications. This division manages our EXPORT area.
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