About 2/90 Sign System Inc.

2/90 Sign System Inc.
5350 Corporate Grove Blvd SE
City, state:
Grand Rapids, MI
Postal code:
United States
(800) 777-4310
(616) 656-4310 Fax:
(616) 656-4300
Welcome to 2/90 Sign Systems! We're the answer to your facility signage needs.
2/90 modular signage has been in existence for 25 years and its superior engineering continues to withstand the test of time. What started as a name identification and directional signage system to be compatible with the open-plan office environments that emerged in the late 1970's, 2/90 Sign Systems has flourished to become the comprehensive signage solution of choice of many prestigious corporations, healthcare facilities, educational institutions and government agencies.
Today, 2/90's product offering encompasses interior and exterior signage, as well as programming and installation. As our website guest, we invite you to explore the many facets of 2/90. Product highlights include:
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