architecture - engineering - construction

About Area Rugs


Area Rugs offers hundreds of area rugs in a wide variety of styles and designs. Whether you're drawn to Persian, Oriental, Contemporary or any of the other style, we probably have what you're looking for. Many rugs are also an investment that appreciates in value, with some lasting for generations.

No matter what style interests you, an area rug can help transform your living space. They can physically warm up a cold, hard floor. In winter months, you can leave them in place or roll them up for storage. Area rugs also help create dramatic changes in a room by introducing new colors and patterns over existing flooring that's a single color and texture. By moving them around, you can refreshen a room in the same way you might rearrange furniture.

Source: http:

12480 - Rugs and Mat
12482 - Rugs
12 48 00 - Rugs and Mats
12 48 43 - Floor Mats
12 48 53 - Rugs
12 48 53.13 - Runners

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