About California Mantel, Inc.

California Mantel, Inc.
4141 N. Freeway Blvd.
City, state:
Sacramento, CA
Postal code:
United States
(916) 925-5775
(916) 925-5797
As the preferred source in fireplace mantels, California Mantel, Inc. is recognized by the building industry as setting the highest standard in value, quality and customer service.
Privately owned and operated since 1987, California Mantel, Inc. has served the home industry with dedication by producing high-quality fireplace mantels and delivering award-winning customer service. California Mantel, Inc. manufactures both wood mantels and precast concrete fireplace mantels and is relied upon by the nation's largest developers to deliver and install quality products promptly and with outstanding customer service.
From our corporate headquarters in Sacramento, CA, we service major developers, custom homeowners, and custom homebuilders across the United States. Our extensive and growing dealer network nationwide ensures there is a dealer close by that can provide you prompt and courteous service answering all your questions, or you can contact our corporate headquarters direct via email or phone.
California Mantel offers an extensive selection of styles in various finishes and products accommodate most sizes of fireboxes and can be custom fitted on-site to ensure accurate installation. Our installations are executed with precision and care by trained professionals to ensure an elegant finished product, which we stand behind long after we leave your home.
We maintain an ongoing effort in the research and development area to fine-tune and enhance our fireplace mantel product line, currently offering
99 unique designs and styles of fireplace mantels.
It is our goal to provide a centerpiece of warmth and class for every home, and we take pride in creating the look, feel, and purpose our customers wish to capture. California Mantel strives to manufacture, deliver and install a fireplace mantel that transforms a simple firebox into the exquisite focal point in your home.
We look forward to helping you bring our passion into your home or showroom.
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