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Water Utility Distribution Piping (33 11 00)


Ductile Iron Pipe from Tricon Piping Systems (Nov 21, 2024)

Water Utility Distribution Piping (33 11 00)

Water Utility Distribution Piping (33 11 00)

Other Companies for Water Utility Distribution Piping

Other Companies for Water Utility Distribution Piping
RFI Company Description City, state Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Cambridge Brass Manufacturers of Corporation Brass Service Line Valves, Fittings and Meter Setters for water services. Cambridge, ON (CA)       URL
Carbit Paint Co. Carbit Paint Company has been manufacturing product finishes, industrial coatings, and specialty coatings in Chicago since 1925. Chicago, IL       URL
Colorite Plastics Co. We manufacture hoses to fit every watering chore. Our product line includes Light Duty, Medium Duty, Heavy Duty, Industrial, Specialty, and even colored hoses! From light gardening to professional landscaping or contractor work, we have the hose to ... Ridgefield, NJ       URL
Corrosion Service Company Inc Corrosion Service has been a leader in the science of corrosion prevention since it was founded in 1950. Electrochemical corrosion mitigation methods such as anodic & cathodic protection systems have been developed to provide outstanding corrosion c... Williamsville, NY       URL
Dura Coat Products, Inc. Welcome to DuraCoat Products. When paint is the problem, Dura Coat is the solution. Riverside, CA       URL
FireMaster Fire Master is proud to represent a wide variety of our industry\u0092s finest quality manufacturers of Fire Fighting Equipment. Having been in the fire sales and service industry for 45 years Fire Master is committed to providing the best equipment... Springfield, MO       URL
Fred Constable & Sons Ltd. Constable well drilling is a full service water well contractor providing water well drilling and pump service. Residential water well drilling and pumps service. Industrial water well drilling and pumps small med and large volume water systems. Ope... Bradford, ON (CA)       URL
Heresite Protective Coatings, Inc. Manufacturer and Applicator of Hersite and Saekaphen Phenolics, Epoxy Phenolics, Epoxies, Urethanes. To resist severe and high temperature corrosion for tanks, heat exchangers, maintenance, etc. Manitowoc, WI       URL
Industrial Control Development Inc. ICD is an industry leader in high performance coatings, where environment and health have to meet performance. Using breakthroughs in technology, ICD laboratories have developed cutting edge coatings that achieve color and performance only dreamed o... Vancouver, WA       URL
Insituform Technologies, Inc. Insituform is a leading provider of proprietary technologies and services for rehabilitating municipal sewers, water mains and industrial piping systems without digging and disruption. St. Louis, MO       URL
L & L Coatings Corp. L & L Coatings Corporation is a full service manufacturer of water-based elastomeric coatings. Our coatings provide a durable, appealing, waterproofed seal on primed ferrous and non-ferrous metal, galvanized steel, masonry, fiberglass, transite and ... Tampa, FL       URL
NIC Industries Inc. The industries leading coatings developer, innovating high-quality ceramic, liquid, and power coatings and applications. White City, OR       URL
Rotonics Mfg., Inc. Rotonics is one of the largest rotational molding companies in the United States. We produce a wide variety of plastic articles for a broad group of industries and applications. Gardena, CA       URL
Sanchem, Inc. Sanchem rust preventive coatings and unique surface treatments are the backbone you need to prevent corrosion failure in everything you build. NO-OX-ID rust preventative coatings are used to prevent metals from corroding in the most severe environme... Chicago, IL       URL
Stainless Steel Coatings, Inc. Stainless Steel Coatings, Inc. is the manufacturer and distributor of a full line of specialized, high performance metallic coatings sold under the brand name of STEEL IT South Lancaster, MA       URL
Ted McLeod Water Wells Ted McLeod Water Wells, located in Hermon, Maine, provides a complete range of well drilling services and pump sales and service. A well maintained well with a good ground water supply will provide you and your family with many years of safe drinkin... Hermon, ME       URL
Towle-Whitney We are your experts for industrial, municipal, commercial and residential specialized pumping systems. We carry water pressure booster pumps, thermostatic water mixing valves, water meters, hot water meters, water pumps, backflow preventers, water c... Manchester, NH       URL
Weathermatic Weathermatic is a Dallas, TX based worldwide manufacturer of the highest quality, water efficient irrigation products. Weathermatic exclusively provides its dedicated family of professional customers with a full line of controllers, weather monitors... Garland, TX       URL
West Coast Corrosion Prevention Ltd Since incorporation in 1987 West Coast Corrosion Prevention has worked extensively with various clients designing, installing and maintaining cathodic protection systems for various types of structures. In 1998 West Coast Corrosion Prevention became... Delta, BC (CA)       URL

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(02510) Water Distribution