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Particulate Air Filtration (23 41 00)


Particulate Air Filtration (23 41 00)

Particulate Air Filtration (23 41 00)

Featured Companies for Particulate Air Filtration

Featured Companies for Particulate Air Filtration
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TitusTitus Since 1946, Titus has focused on technologically advanced products that create the highest degree of comfort. We've consistently led the industry by breaking the barriers of expectation and convention when it comes to technology. We've redefined how... Plano, TX       URL

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Other Other Companies for Particulate Air Filtration

Other Companies for Particulate Air Filtration
RFI Company Description City, state Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Aero-Flo Industries, Inc. Aero-Flo Industries, Inc. was established in 1991 and is a supplier of quality filtration products for heating, ventilating, air-conditioning and manufacturing applications. The company is also known for its duct booster fan which is used for hard-t... Kingsbury, IN       URL
Aerus, LLC Welcome to, Aerus Electrolux is a home wellness company that provides solutions for healthy living and offers direct sales career opportunities. Since 1924, Aerus Electrolux has been your only source for genuine Electrolux parts and ... Dallas, TX       URL
Air Tech International, Inc. Offers environmental management and home inspections. Boulder, CO       URL
AirFlow Systems, Inc. Manufacturer of industrial and commercial dust, smoke, mist, and fume collectors. Dallas, TX       URL
All American Air Filters, Inc. All American Air Filters, Inc. is a manufacturer of Permanent, High Arrestance, High Dust Holding Capacity, Reusable Electrostatic & Other Air Filters. Standard & Custom Sizes. Close Tolerances. Flexible or Rigid Frames. OEM Assistance & Private Lab... Pompano Beach, FL       URL
Cimatec, Inc. CIMATEC researches, develops and manufactures advanced electronic air filtration technology for the residential and commercial Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) marketplace in North America. CIMATEC Environmental Engineering, home of the Scarborough, ON (CA)       URL
CRS Industries, Inc. CosaTron is a product of CRS Industries, Inc. Now celebrating 45 years as manufacturer of the CosaTron Contamination Control Systems. Tampa, FL       URL
D-Mark, Inc. The Carbon Filter Specialists Innovation in designing and developing a wide variety of Activated Carbon Filtration products has been our trademark for over 46 years. We manufacture our own proprietary CarbonWeb® medias that are used throughout our p... Mt. Clemens, MI       URL
Dust Free, Inc. Dust Free is a leading manufacturer of a wide variety of air quality products including uv lights, electrostatic air filters, portable room air cleaners, and commercial industrial air cleaners. Royse City, TX       URL
Dustvent, Inc. Dustvent manufactures a full line of self-contained dust, mist, smoke and fume collectors which have successfully been applied in a wide variety of industrial air pollution control applications. Our units are operating in thousands of manufacturing ... Waterman, IL       URL
Efficient Systems, Inc. Efficient Systems has serviced Southeast Texas since 1979 as a family owned and operated business. Efficient Systems offers the very latest and best in air conditioning, heating and ventilation (HVAC) design, products, and services to residential, c... Beaumont, TX       URL
Entegris Entegris serves high technology markets by purifying, protecting and transporting critical materials used in manufacturing processes. These critical materials are often the very building blocks in producing many of the world's leading microelectroni... Franklin, MA       URL
Industrial Air Solutions, Inc. Providing turn-key solutions for all of your dust,mist, smoke,fume collection and vacuums needs. We have over 50-years of combined experience in the industry and we have the products and solutions for every type of application. Raleigh, NC       URL
Industrial Maid 'Innovations for a clean, safe, and efficient indoor work environment' Mfg. of Industrial and Commercial Air Filtration Equipment, Modular Filter Housings, ambient air cleaners, & ventilation equipment. Custom Air filtration hoods and Environmental ... Lincoln, NE       URL
Ketcham Company / Reflections U.S.A. Ketcham & Company, Inc. represents a select group of premier manufacturers offering solutions to manufacturing. We are suppliers of product marking/identification systems, mist collectors, industrial air filtration & purification equipment, precisio... New Canaan, CT       URL
Lackmond Products, Inc. For over a decade, Lackmond has provided high quality professional tools for sawing, grinding and drilling that meet the needs of today\u0092s most demanding markets. Our commitment to research and development is unmatched. We continually test new d... Kennesaw, GA       URL
McGill AirClean Corporation McGill AirClean provides air pollution control equipment for the control of particulate, gaseous emissions, and VOCs for the brick, concrete, glass and many other industries. We design, manufacturer, install, and service dry and wet electrostatic pr... Columbus, OH       URL
Meyer & Co., Inc. We are long-standing members of the Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA). The ACCA upholds the most stringent requirements for professional ethics and requires its members to attend professional development, continuing education and traini... Freehold, NJ       URL
Savard Corp. Salem Savard Manufactures of Thermal Regenerative Oxidizers (RTO)and Process Equipment for VOC control and destruction Detroit, MI       URL
Tri Dim Corp. Tri-Dim Filter Corporation selling clear air to the world, one filter at a time!. Louisa, VA       URL
Tri Med Environmental Research Corp. TriMed AirMedic designs and manufactures indoor air purification systems to address bacterial, viral, chemical, mold, odor and gaseous fume problems. De Soto, KS       URL
Ultra Industries Inc. ULTRA INDUSTRIES, INC. designs and manufactures creative and cost efficient equipment and solutions for industry's air pollution control problems. Equipment includes: bin vents, dust collectors, baghouses, cartridge collectors, filter receivers, cy... Racine, WI       URL

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MasterFormat™ 1995:
(15860) Air Cleaning Device