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AEC News #315 - December 5, 2024 
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School Redesign With School Safety and Security in Mind
Project Showcase: StoneLite at Vanderbilt University's Peabody HEM Complex
Beachside Brazilian Luxury Apartments Build on Penetron Technology
Can Bullet-Resistant Material Enhance Sustainable Architecture?
Architectural Louvers Design Resources
Crown Your Next Project's Wall with Exquisite Wall Caps
PennBarry Introduces New and Improved Line of Powered Roof Ventilators
GreenGuard GG60-LG XPS Insulation Board from Kingspan Insulation
Bilco Unveils Flood-Tight Access That Can Withstand a 30-foot Head of Water
Custom Shielded Cabinets for Hot Lab Shielding Needs
Shower Replacement Kits Complete with Base, Walls and Door
Ambico Tornado Resistant Doors and Frames
Machine Guarding Mats from Miller Edge
Carbon Steel Waterstop from JP Specialties
Parapet Back Ladder System from LadderPort
Resin Furniture for Coastal Cities: Withstanding Salt, Sun, and Storms